Join us Wednesday, March 5 for Ash Wednesday Service at 5:00PM.Details >>



Welcome to City Reformed Church! If you are interested in becoming a member of the church, this is the place to be. We believe that God calls all Christians to become members of a local church body. And we are glad you are interested in our church. However, the word “membership” does not quite capture the full weight and spiritual significance of belonging to a local church. Being a church member is not the same thing as having a Costco membership. Church membership is a form of covenant belonging. When we become members, we make commitments to God and the church community. That means becoming a member is an important decision that we should not take lightly. Church membership is an important part of our spiritual journey that requires discernment.

This page is designed to provide you all the necessary knowledge and tools to begin the journey of membership at City Reformed Church. This is a place for those who certain they want to become members and for those just exploring. This is a great place to learn more about our church’s theological beliefs, vision and values, and ministry ethos.

What are the different steps of the membership process?

Step 1: Read and Listen.
Follow the links on the "materials" section of this page to read more about our doctrine, our vision and values, and more about how we think about the meaning of membership. Listen to the podcast episodes below. These are instructional podcast episodes that cover a range of topics related to the church’s doctrine and practice. These are required listening for those who desire to become members.

Step 2: Sign up for the Membership Classes.
Email  to sign-up for the membership classes. We will host two, hour long membership classes after church on certain Sundays.  Our aim is to have these classes be conversation based around the topics of the podcast teachings. These classes are designed to provide an opportunity to process the teachings in a group setting as well as to ask questions about any topic that has come up in the process.

Step 3: Complete the Membership Form.
Having listened to podcast episodes and completed the two meetings, if you desire to continue with membership, we ask that you complete the membership form.

Step 4: Membership Interview
After having completed the classes and filled out the membership form, you can now schedule a membership interview with two elders. Contact to set up this meeting.

Step 5: Public Affirmation of Membership
We regularly recognize new members within our Sunday worship service, during which we would ask you to publicly affirm the 5 membership vows you already reflected upon and affirmed in your membership form.

Believe and Confess Podcast