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Children and Youth Ministries

Nursery Age (0-2 years old)

A nursery is provided for children under the age of 3.  Once you’ve entered the front space, just past the bathrooms and down the hallway, you will find the baby gate entrance to the nursery. Volunteers inside will collect your contact information in case of emergency; please inform them of any pertinent information so that they may best care for your child(ren).

Through the helpful service of so many people in our congregation, we provide a 4 to 1 ratio of children to volunteers.  Our volunteers are not just parents but include everyone from young, single people to empty nesters and everyone in between. Children in the nursery play together, read books with the adults and participate in age-appropriate faith formation activities, such as prayer before snack and singing Bible songs.

Children and Worship (ages 3 through Kindergarten)  

Children and Worship is for children ages 3 through Kindergarten.  As the name suggests, we work to make this room an age-appropriate worship space where we both follow a similar liturgy to CRC’s worship service as well as engage in wondering questions about Bible stories.  We use Young Children and Worship as our guiding curriculum, with stories from creation through the New Testament.  Each Sunday between Labor Day and Memorial Day, Children and Worship kids are dismissed after the passing of the peace (to allow them to first worship with their families), and parents are asked to pick their child up at the close of the service.  The classroom is taught and supported by 2 rotating volunteers each week and is located right outside the main sanctuary doors next to the bathrooms.

1st-3rd Grade Worship Center

During the school year, our 1st through 3rd Grade Worship Center is open 3 Sundays in a month, and these children leave after the passing of the peace and return near the close of the sermon.  This structure allows them to worship at the beginning of the service and participate in communion with their families at the end while also engaging in scripture at an age-appropriate level.  In this class, children and volunteers come back to the same Bible story 3 weeks in a row and then choose a worship station to participate in.  They end in reading the story from the NIrV and participating in different types and styles of prayer.  This classroom has 2 rotating volunteer teachers each week.

4th-6th Grade Sunday School

The 4th through 6th Grade Sunday School class meets before the service (from 8:30-9:15am) 3 Sundays in a month during the school year.  We use the New City Catechism curriculum as our guiding resource, with a 2-year scope and sequence of lessons, to help our students engage in questions and conversations around what we believe.  This class is taught by 1 rotating teacher each week.

Middle-High School Catechism Class

Our middle school and high school youth participate in a catechism class which meets before the service (8:30-9:15am) every other week during the school year.  We use the Heidelberg Catechism as well as the other creeds and confessions of our denomination to explore what we believe and how that changes the way we live.

6th-12th Grade Youth Group

Our Youth Group meets the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month (during the school year) at Christ Church Milwaukee (1422 Vel R. Phillips Ave), a PCA church that we partner with for youth group.  We enjoy a meal and game all together as a group and then break into two groups (6th-7th grade and 8th and up).  In these groups, we have a time for exploring the Bible together and discussing, both in large and small group, what it means in our lives.

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