Join us Wednesday, March 5 for Ash Wednesday Service at 5:00PM.Details >>

Our Partners

City Reformed Partner Organizations

For more information on how to be connected or involved with any of our partner organizations,
please contact the deacons at

Since 2005, Partners India has brought the love and compassion of Christ by equipping and empowering indigenous leaders, supporting communities of faith, and serving through education, skillsets, and medical care to usher in a spiritual and socio-economic transformation. We bring the hope of Jesus Christ culturally relevant without compromising its central message. As a result, lives are being transformed!

Bible Unbound Logo

We should be excited to read our Bible because the Gospel is proclaimed throughout! Bible Unbound creates engaging online videos that help anyone with curiosity discover the Biblical epic by uncovering the Good News of Jesus in every biblical story. Learn more by subscribing to the YouTube channel at


-A Family Advocacy Ministry-

    Surrounding  vulnerable children, and the families who support them, with caring communities. We believe the Church is the answer.  Placing Christian Care Communities around these families is a proven solution to keep them fostering stronger.  The Care Communities provide them with support in the areas of meals, childcare, child mentoring, and prayer.  This keeps families fostering longer, and will encourage others to become foster parents when they see that the Church will support them. We exist to facilitate the establishment of Care Communities by empowering local networks of Christians to care for foster families.

 Cross Trainers Academy exists to provide an academically rigorous, Christ-centered education to equip students from a wide variety of backgrounds, including those who are or have been homeless, to serve their communities and lead responsible, God-honoring lives. We do this by nurturing the whole child, empowering each student to build a strong foundation for the future.

   The mission of OneHope27 is to bring HOPE to kids and families involved in foster care in Milwaukee County through support and connection with the church and the community around them. We THE CHURCH and the community can work together to build connection and support around the kids and families involved in foster care creating stronger families and as a result strengthening our city.

    World Renew embraces a family-centered approach to ending global poverty with food security, peace and justice, economic livelihood and health. We join families in more than 30 developing countries to change global hunger, poverty, and illness.

Kinship Community Food Center

KinshipMKE is a community of generosity where all have a place at the table.
We alleviate food insecurity by providing access to healthy food through an interactive shopping experience. We sit and listen so we can create nurturing mentor relationships that connect people to needed resources. We grow and cook food together as an entry point into our shoppers lives.  We invite young adults to find greater meaning in their lives through a year of service and living in community.  We create a space where members of our community discover the gifts they are meant to offer and the gifts they are meant to receive.