Worship With Us

SUNDAYS | 9:30-11:00am


We look forward to getting to know you!

Below you will find information and links to help you get to know us and for us to get to know you.

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns please do not hesitate to contact us.

Ministries for Kids

Get Connected

We’re glad you’re here and we want to help you connect, find a community group, and learn more about our church family.


How We Minister

With Fellowship

Before the service and just after, we gather together in the front space to enjoy each other's company with coffee and conversation. Please join in!

With Biblical Preaching and Worship

Singing, recitation, and prayer are communal acts of worship that we participate in together. After a time of singing, we have a time of reflection on God's word and commune together for the Lord’s Supper, as it is a valuable sacrament that we treasure.

It is not required that you partake in call and response, worship, or communion, if you are not comfortable. There are reflections and prayers written in the bulletin for you to read and consider. 

With your Children

We have a nursery for your babies and Sunday School classes for your older children.

 Ministries for Kids

What to Expect

Find Community

Study God’s Word with Our Church Family

Our community groups meet around the city; find one in your area.

Join a Community Group

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